Huuraanbod en prijzen '24

What an incredibly fast-paced year 2023 has been!
We trust you've enjoyed our partnership as much as we have.
Here at HELI, we've been far from idle over the past months:
- We've strengthened our ties with leading house brands like LGMG, Snorkel, Bluelift, and Uplifter.
- We've thoroughly examined our transportation processes.
- We've introduced a new range of exceptional machines, placing a strong emphasis on electrifying our rental fleet.
All these efforts have brought about some changes that might be of interest to you.
Starting January 1st, the transportation of small machines will be more cost-effective, while rates for larger machines will experience a slight increase.
Despite the market's rise in machine prices and the overall inflationary pressure, we've managed to navigate these challenges admirably. In key categories, we've even achieved a reverse trend, positioning us competitively as we approach the upcoming year together.
Curious about what these developments mean for you?
Explore the rental offerings and prices for 2024, or reach out to us at
Wishing you joyful festivities and a fantastic New Year!
The Heli Team